41.   His comeback made him the focus of national publicity, and in subsequent years his story was repeatedly featured on Australian television.

42.   However, in subsequent years, such emissions steadily climbed.

43.   In a small sample, researchers found that providing more grants to low-income students in their first year reduced dropout rates even if loans replaced grants in subsequent years.

44.   In exchange, it will be obliged to pay France Telecom pensions in subsequent years, putting pressure on its deficit.

45.   In my country, the public has become more inward-looking after the collapse of the asset-inflated economy and the subsequent years of economic stagnation.

46.   In subsequent years some communes kept residents in sexually segregated barracks regardless of their marital status.

47.   In subsequent years, as the joint life expectancy decreases, the percentage of the account that must be withdrawn increases.

48.   In subsequent years, many of the large ranching families consolidated their holdings, including Kenedy and King, for a period.

49.   In subsequent years, Ms. Richards attended groundbreakings for new treatment centers.

50.   In subsequent years, new employees and executives have come, but few have stayed long.

a. + year >>共 250
recent 25.41%
past 12.07%
last 10.41%
next 6.96%
first 3.79%
second 2.81%
previous 2.30%
following 2.17%
coming 2.10%
same 1.68%
subsequent 0.21%
subsequent + n. >>共 1269
year 3.32%
meeting 2.06%
investigation 1.91%
test 1.61%
study 1.26%
report 1.14%
interview 1.06%
day 1.04%
event 0.87%
generation 0.84%
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