41.   But, in any case, every study had to have a desk, even if it was only a simple table supported by walnut trestles.

42.   Dunner said a Yale study showed Prozac has no effect on normal, nondepressed people.

43.   Earlier studies have linked genes to homosexuality, alcoholism, even novelty-seeking.

44.   Even in low doses and even for a relatively short time, amphetamine use leads to diminished capacity to learn in monkeys, a Yale study has found.

45.   For another, the study has yet to be confirmed by other researchers.

46.   For example, studies have show that programs about the effects of substance abuse or tobacco can influence adolescent behavior for the better.

47.   Freedman said the study had some serious problems, and he has less confidence in its conclusions.

48.   He added that the studies had enough of the appearance of impartiality to dissuade the Justice Department from entering her case.

49.   He said that women would be informed of any risks and that the study would have outside supervision.

50.   He said the study had merit but called it limited because of its focus on deaths instead of later heart attacks.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
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people 1.78%
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state 0.96%
official 0.95%
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player 0.88%
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study 0.07%
study + v. >>共 367
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find 13.47%
be 11.21%
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