41.   But bigger institutions are self-contained worlds, and students go home only during school vacations.

42.   But college students are probably going to be itching to get right out on the Internet.

43.   But she knows students who will go out to dinner with friends, put the whole tab on their credit card, then collect cash from the others.

44.   By mid-afternoon, officials allowed the students to go home for the day.

45.   College students go the movies probably more than anybody.

46.   CUNY officials contend that many community college students go on to senior colleges and earn degrees, but they cannot supply the figures.

47.   Daytime curfews also benefit schools in areas where education funding is linked to attendance because more students go to school.

48.   Despite the worry, middle-class students go to college and find a way to pay for it, Nassirian said.

49.   Do students go crazy at other institutions?

50.   During the holy month of Ramadan, which Muslims now are celebrating, students go to the mosque in the evenings for prayer and to break their daytime fasts.

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student + v. >>共 919
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