41.   Lawyers close to the case saw this omission as another strong indication that Chugerman would testify against Hoffenberg.

42.   No new series on any network has given a strong indication that it will break through as a hit, and many have been crashing disappointments.

43.   On more than one occasion he has given strong indications that he believes this game is played with baseball robots, not actual men who breathe and feel.

44.   On this question, there are strong indications that more disappointment is still in store for the nation.

45.   Parcells has given strong indications that he will return to the Jets, and he has reportedly been offered the expanded powers of president of the club.

46.   Perhaps the most sensational element in the presidential proclamation dismissing Ms. Bhutto was a strong indication that Leghari suspected wrongdoing by Ms. Bhutto or her husband in the killings.

47.   Republicans gave strong indications that they want to hear from at least a handful of witnesses on the Senate floor.

48.   So the coming three-game road trip may be a strong indication of whether the slide is only temporary, or a sign of things to come.

49.   --Sixty-seven percent were divorced, widowed or never married, a strong indication they had no social or family support.

50.   Still, there are strong indications that Putin and Bush are headed for a profound post-Soviet reckoning of views in their meetings in Washington and Crawford next month.

a. + indication >>共 238
immediate 16.77%
early 11.58%
first 10.00%
clear 9.00%
strong 5.43%
good 3.33%
latest 3.19%
initial 2.81%
further 2.43%
preliminary 2.10%
strong + n. >>共 840
wind 3.45%
support 2.77%
demand 2.65%
growth 2.23%
dollar 2.21%
opposition 1.79%
economy 1.75%
performance 1.51%
earnings 1.50%
sale 1.43%
indication 0.28%
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