41.   He also said the United States has so far taken the right steps to avoid triggering global warfare in the aftermath of terrorist attacks.

42.   He and other experts are advising companies to take steps now to avoid problems later.

43.   He was so excited he almost missed a Beanie Baby that a fan threw on the ice, needing a fancy step to avoid skating over the doll.

44.   However, he added that such individuals are usually concerned about drawing attention to their financial transactions and take steps to avoid detection.

45.   MALAYAN Banking Bhd has taken steps to avoid bad loans so as to prevent problems such as those faced by banks in neighbouring countries.

46.   Taking steps to avoid layoffs Many office workers have learnt to adapt because of a real or perceived threat of downsizing or being laid off.

47.   The government said it will take steps to avoid double taxation, and it will try to ensure the easy import and export of items related to the Olympics.

48.   The secretary said that in its new rules the board should take steps to avoid post-merger service breakdowns.

49.   They said he should take that step to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, even after selling his Enron stock.

50.   While cleaning up the books from the prior decade, Witt is taking steps to avoid future problems.

n. + avoid >>共 920
people 4.16%
company 3.71%
government 2.66%
investor 2.52%
step 1.81%
official 1.67%
pain 1.26%
bank 1.09%
country 1.06%
side 1.02%
step + v. >>共 801
be 31.70%
improve 2.27%
protect 2.05%
include 1.86%
prevent 1.81%
ensure 1.80%
make 1.70%
reduce 1.42%
help 1.23%
forward 1.02%
avoid 0.78%
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