41.   And they said that although there was a steady stream of callers both buying and selling tickets, it was far from the hottest ticket ever to hit town.

42.   And, he said, there are some who view the prison system, and especially the impact of its steady stream of executions, as a negative.

43.   And, yes, let him accept the steady stream of input that the savvy Tim Brown so readily offers.

44.   Another nifty way to get a deduction and a steady stream of cash, too, is a gift annuity.

45.   Antivirus software firms said their help lines had a steady stream of calls Monday from people whose computers were infected.

46.   And, they say, there has been a steady stream of serious-minded first-time buyers.

47.   Appearing on a steady stream of national television shows, he has defended plural marriage as a fulfillment of his Mormon religion as prescribed by his ancestors.

48.   As a franchiser, HFS enjoys a steady stream of fees without the associated cost of hard assets.

49.   As for the other accounts, my guess based upon your limited income is that your crying need is a steady stream of cash.

50.   As it emulsifies, add oil a little faster, in a slow steady stream.

a. + stream >>共 466
steady 32.66%
constant 4.88%
endless 4.69%
small 3.77%
thin 3.40%
continuous 1.93%
slow 1.06%
liberal 1.01%
nearby 0.92%
little 0.92%
steady + n. >>共 818
stream 12.62%
growth 5.92%
rain 4.28%
flow 3.52%
decline 2.68%
increase 2.42%
diet 2.36%
supply 2.12%
job 1.94%
progress 1.88%
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