41.   Earlier this month, the television station showed Odai walking on one crutch and later standing.

42.   Filmmaker Sydney Pollack plans to testify in a suit demanding that television stations show movies in the format in which they were made.

43.   It would require TV stations to show a certain amount of European productions or at least help finance them.

44.   Local television stations showed blackened limbs and other charred remains of the dead wrapped in blankets at a morgue.

45.   National television station NHK showed live footage of workers in its newsroom in Matsue city clutching desks as notebooks fell to the floor.

46.   New York TV stations showed rows upon rows of travelers sleeping overnight on cots in LaGuardia airport.

47.   Neither station has showed the full tape.

48.   On average, European television stations show eight minutes of commercials per hour during peak hours.

49.   Private television stations often show late-night soft-porn movies.

50.   Private television stations showed dozens of cars skidding on treacherous roads and policemen sliding and falling as they directed traffic.

n. + show >>共 854
poll 8.82%
study 6.33%
report 3.69%
survey 3.26%
test 2.46%
television 2.44%
record 2.43%
figure 2.26%
research 2.03%
result 1.61%
station 0.27%
station + v. >>共 691
be 14.08%
say 8.90%
report 7.99%
have 4.78%
broadcast 4.51%
play 1.82%
show 1.76%
air 1.52%
begin 1.27%
run 1.15%
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