41.   Among them is Al Fath Al Mubin, which issued the statement on the deaths of two Islamic militant leaders.

42.   An Eritrean government statement on Tuesday accused Ethiopia of wanting to overthrow the Eritrean government and President Isaias Afwerki.

43.   An office secretary there also refused to answer questions and said the center would not release a statement on the matter.

44.   An Air Force spokeswoman at the Pentagon said Thursday that the service was preparing a statement on the programs and that an announcement was expected soon.

45.   An official in the department said the bank will issue a statement on the subject later today.

46.   And Clinton has made no public statements on whether he would seek a law license in New York.

47.   And the only eyewitness Baker took a statement from on the scene was his own uncle, Chip Baker.

48.   And the spokesman further declares that Condit does not plan to hold a news conference or make any public statements on the subject.

49.   And though Dole did issue a statement supportive of the contract, he did not read the statement on the Senate floor.

50.   Another Justice Department official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, criticized the bureau for its blunt public statement on Monday.

n. + on >>共 1528
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statement + p. >>共 55
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