41.   A spokesman for Gorbachev described his reaction to the new movement as positive.

42.   A spokesman for the mainstream al-Fatah movement of the Palestine Liberation Organization denied the Israeli claim that the six guerrillas were affiliated to al-Fatah.

43.   Ivan Dugue, a lawyer and spokesman for the group, stated that the surrender was unilateral and a contribution to the peace process taking place in the country.

44.   Capt. Craig Kotze, spokesman for the Ministry of Law and Order, however, placed the blame on the ANC.

45.   A spokesman for the new organization said that national democratic forces had united in the struggle for complete decolonization of the republic.

46.   Mr Edmond Alphandery, a spokesman for the centre-right, says these firms would have done as well or better in private hands.

47.   A spokesman for the British Medical Association had said that doctors were bound by the law, which prohibits the deliberate taking of human life.

48.   A spokesman for Caird said the group were reviewing projects including the Renfrew site in Scotland.

49.   A spokesman for Glenlight said without the subsidy a sixty-six per cent increase in freight charges would have been passed on to clients from tomorrow.

50.   A spokesman for the industrial lobby warned that the amendments will dramatically change our lifestyles and the way most companies do business.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
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call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
lawyer 0.65%
spokesman + p. >>共 20
for 82.15%
in 9.62%
at 3.45%
of 1.75%
on 1.03%
as 0.70%
from 0.59%
with 0.33%
during 0.08%
to 0.06%
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