41.   But a U.N. spokesman acknowledged Saturday it had failed to provide safety.

42.   Earlier Sunday, a B.A.T spokesman acknowledged that the company has recently looked at splitting the divisions.

43.   In Israel, an army spokesman acknowledged the raids, saying pilots reported accurate hits and all planes returned safely to base.

44.   Industry spokesmen acknowledge the research focus has shifted away from infectious diseases.

45.   Later, a spokesman acknowledged the incident.

46.   The American industry spokesmen acknowledged China has made progress.

47.   The Israeli army spokesman did not acknowledge the second attack.

48.   The spokesman acknowledged that Netanyahu, known for his fluent American-accented English, might not have a lot of time to work on his Arabic.

49.   The report could not be independently confirmed and the Israeli army spokesman did not acknowledge the second attack.

50.   The spokesman later acknowledged, however, that the House Republican leadership also has not appointed negotiators to hammer out a House-Senate education compromise.

n. + acknowledge >>共 801
official 27.41%
government 4.30%
company 2.86%
leader 2.54%
executive 2.46%
authority 2.03%
side 1.27%
aide 1.25%
spokesman 1.17%
report 1.12%
spokesman + v. >>共 125
say 70.48%
decline 5.68%
confirm 2.65%
deny 2.20%
tell 2.08%
be 1.95%
refuse 1.86%
add 1.62%
have 0.63%
comment 0.45%
acknowledge 0.30%
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