41.   Organizers avoided usual channels for publicizing major events, such as courting the mainstream media and soliciting corporate donations.

42.   Other groups are fascinated by the lawyerly distinctions in Washington between allowing donations to be solicited in one part of the White House but not in another.

43.   Powers hardly skipped any derogatory adjectives in his missives soliciting donations from the party faithful.

44.   Rejecting accusations of wrongdoing, President Clinton declared Monday that neither he nor Vice President Al Gore broke the law while soliciting campaign donations last year.

45.   Rylander campaign manager Scott McClellan said she fears the list will be used by direct mail companies to solicit donations to other causes.

46.   Rome never solicited donations.

47.   She has even started a Web site to solicit donations and gather names on a petition asking Gov. Christie Whitman to allow the preserve to stay open.

48.   Shortly afterward, Chung has told associates, other Democratic fund-raisers began soliciting donations from him.

49.   So it is not surprising that charities use such images to solicit donations.

50.   That gives wealthy candidates a built-in advantage over other citizens who must solicit donations effectively.

v. + donation >>共 351
make 18.56%
accept 9.08%
receive 5.78%
solicit 4.98%
collect 3.97%
seek 3.22%
use 2.60%
give 2.51%
send 1.98%
take 1.63%
solicit + n. >>共 240
donation 9.16%
contribution 7.62%
money 7.06%
bid 4.30%
fund 3.73%
support 3.16%
opinion 3.08%
prostitute 2.76%
business 2.68%
comment 2.60%
每页显示:    共 112