41.   The smallpox virus is known to exist only in laboratories in the United States and Russia.

42.   The smallpox virus is released into the air when an infected person sneezes or coughs.

43.   The smallpox virus is known to be housed only in the Soviet Union and the United States, where it has been under CDC control.

44.   The smallpox virus is only supposed to exist in highly secure laboratories at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and in Koltsovo, Russia.

45.   The smallpox virus, for instance, promotes the growth of skin cells, which produces the unsightly pox.

46.   The vaccine was used to eradicate the viral disease nearly two centuries later, and it may be needed again if bioterrorists release smallpox virus in an attack.

47.   The virus that causes camelpox is an even closer relative of the smallpox virus than scientists believed.

48.   The team says the strain of smallpox virus appears to have been unusually potent and even sickened seven people vaccinated against the disease.

49.   There are only two sanctioned stockpiles of the smallpox virus, one at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta and the other in Novosibirsk, Russia.

50.   Today, all the remaining smallpox virus is frozen in vials stored in two labs -- one in Atlanta, one in Moscow.

n. + virus >>共 196
flu 11.16%
stomach 10.81%
smallpox 6.24%
influenza 5.18%
hepatitis 4.92%
herpes 4.83%
macro 3.51%
polio 3.34%
bird 3.34%
encephalitis 2.81%
smallpox + n. >>共 58
vaccine 32.36%
virus 20.70%
attack 5.83%
vaccination 4.66%
outbreak 4.37%
epidemic 3.79%
case 2.33%
stock 2.04%
campaign 1.75%
expert 1.46%
每页显示:    共 71