41.   Let me stretch out on my bed for a moment and find the page where he talks about how most of us suffer from sleep deprivation.

42.   Max, who looks like James Woods after torture by sleep deprivation, has devoted his life to meditation.

43.   No one has ever studied, for instance, the effect of sleep deprivation on the testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratio, Hembree said.

44.   Police sometimes use strong pressure tactics, including sleep deprivation, to extract confessions from criminal suspects.

45.   Professor Oda says that Asahara used methods like sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation and food deprivation, and perhaps drugs as well.

46.   Researchers have looked at sleep deprivation in animals to determine, on the cellular level, what happens without sleep.

47.   Restless legs night after night, all night long, are a major cause of sleep deprivation for many people.

48.   Rights groups have reported that Palestinian prisoners are often subject to beatings, sleep deprivation and confinement in painful positions.

49.   Sleep deprivation agrees with them.

50.   Sleep deprivation and the burden of upholding a traditional Thanksgiving menu were common themes among those shouldering the responsibilities for cooking.

n. + deprivation >>共 25
sleep 67.06%
oxygen 14.12%
food 4.71%
sunlight 1.18%
vacation 1.18%
aid 0.59%
baseball 0.59%
charisma 0.59%
childhood 0.59%
drama 0.59%
sleep + n. >>共 121
deprivation 17.12%
disorder 12.31%
pattern 7.21%
problem 6.01%
disturbance 4.20%
aid 3.30%
researcher 2.85%
cycle 2.25%
paralysis 2.10%
expert 2.10%
每页显示:    共 113