41.   Both sectors have been shedding jobs as the need for roads and bridges diminishes and manufacturing moves increasingly to cheaper offshore plants.

42.   Both sectors have been shedding jobs as the need for roads and bridges diminishes and as manufacturing moves increasingly to cheaper offshore plants.

43.   Complaints have been rising from exporters, many of which have been shedding jobs as their sales shrink.

44.   Ellison also indicated that Oracle will continue to shed jobs and trim expenses to boost profit margins.

45.   He added, however, that the economy was no longer shedding jobs.

46.   In recent weeks, companies such as consultancy Scient Corp. and online grocer HomeGrocer.com, which is being acquired by Webvan Group Inc., have shed jobs.

47.   Jobs have been shed everywhere.

48.   The contracts sweeten retirement packages, and allow companies to shed jobs through attrition by setting a ratio for how many replacements must be hired to offset retirements.

49.   They noted that there are still sizable pockets of weakness, particularly in manufacturing, which shed jobs for a third straight month.

50.   He said Eurotunnel would buy new, cheap rolling stock and would move staff from expensive premises, hinting that some jobs might be shed.

v. + job >>共 292
do 13.63%
lose 11.05%
get 7.25%
take 6.64%
create 5.56%
find 5.16%
have 5.09%
keep 2.58%
quit 2.13%
hold 2.02%
shed 0.24%
shed + n. >>共 448
light 34.28%
tear 11.71%
image 2.76%
job 2.43%
worker 2.35%
blood 2.15%
business 1.78%
pound 1.58%
weight 1.38%
leaf 1.18%
每页显示:    共 60