41.   The antitrust provisions allow the teams to equally share television revenues.

42.   The bad teams draft first and share the revenues of the good teams, which are reined in by the salary cap.

43.   The Baseball Network was set up to shield the networks from losses as the teams and broadcasters shared revenue.

44.   The brief lockout involved a disagreement over how television revenues would be shared.

45.   The companies would then share the revenues.

46.   The companies released no financial details, other than to say that the agreement calls for them to share revenue.

47.   The deal elicited a promise by the Bosnian Croats to share customs revenues with the Muslim officials.

48.   The conservancy is now trying to persuade the city to share concession revenue with it, as the city does with its zoos.

49.   The labor federation would share that revenue, with the initial profits being plowed back into selling the service to union members, Ghosh and federation officials said.

50.   The league has tried to solve this problem by sharing revenues among teams.

v. + revenue >>共 422
generate 10.12%
increase 7.76%
boost 6.74%
raise 6.54%
use 3.93%
share 2.83%
reduce 2.34%
lose 1.94%
earn 1.77%
collect 1.77%
share + n. >>共 955
information 5.84%
view 3.99%
power 3.18%
experience 1.64%
concern 1.58%
cost 1.54%
responsibility 1.52%
story 1.41%
border 1.10%
blame 1.06%
revenue 0.77%
每页显示:    共 113