41.   Sanchez Vicario depended on her ability to run down almost any shot, and it served her well.

v. + well >>共 172
drill 13.08%
dig 12.15%
make 8.45%
serve 5.42%
wish 4.23%
have 3.43%
know 2.91%
poison 2.51%
sink 2.11%
contaminate 1.85%
serve + n. >>共 596
time 8.21%
sentence 7.75%
purpose 4.61%
notice 2.48%
food 2.15%
customer 2.00%
term 1.94%
interest 1.87%
meal 1.73%
country 1.58%
well 0.41%
每页显示:    共 41