41.   That trial was moved to Denver, where McVeigh was convicted and sentenced to die.

42.   The bizarre behavior concluded when he was sentenced to die in the electric chair.

43.   The first film he ever directed was a documentary about an African-American man sentenced to die in the electric chair for a crime he had not committed.

44.   The thousands of people, sentenced to die for the offense of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

45.   The Winnetka Drive-In has been sentenced to die.

46.   The young man is nevertheless tried for murder and sentenced to die.

47.   They were sentenced to die, though thanks to public outrage they served only six months in prison.

48.   Timothy McVeigh, who is white, has been sentenced to die in that case.

49.   Though Spivey was convicted of murdering two men, he was sentenced to die for the death of police Officer Billy Watson.

50.   Three white men were convicted of capital murder and two were sentenced to die for the slaying.

v. + die >>共 76
sentence 36.00%
lie 24.67%
will 4.67%
be 2.67%
come 2.33%
abandon 1.00%
injure 1.00%
say 1.00%
willing 1.00%
engineer 0.67%
sentence + v. >>共 41
die 36.36%
prison 17.85%
hang 13.13%
serve 5.39%
jail 5.39%
be 2.36%
spend 2.02%
time 1.68%
follow 1.68%
find 1.35%
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