41.   He added that before crews are sent for six-month or yearlong stays on an international space station, studies should be made about relationships.

42.   Hezbollah guerrillas moved into one of them and sent camera crews to take pictures of the village.

43.   If the shuttle cannot reach Mir, Thagard and his comrades can come home aboard a Soyuz capsule when Russia sends up a new crew as scheduled in August.

44.   If that happens, a new crew could be sent to the Mir to keep it alive, Mikhailichenko.

45.   Many Canadians opened their homes to stranded passengers for days and Canadian cities sent emergency crews to New York.

46.   Neither was he able to ascertain whether a crew had been sent to the area.

47.   Russia would not allow Kazakh rescuers to approach the building, and sent a crew Monday that recovered six bodies.

48.   Russia, which leases the giant space park from Kazakhstan, would not allow Kazakh rescuers to approach the building, and sent a crew that arrived Monday.

49.   SBS also was allowed to send a crew.

50.   Taiwan, Venezuela, Panama and Japan also have sent assistance crews.

v. + crew >>共 479
have 4.94%
rescue 2.98%
send 2.92%
carry 2.71%
release 2.18%
take 1.97%
kill 1.65%
dispatch 1.49%
see 1.38%
say 1.38%
send + n. >>共 860
letter 6.46%
message 5.50%
troop 4.53%
signal 2.04%
e-mail 1.77%
child 1.77%
money 1.47%
team 1.19%
price 1.19%
representative 1.07%
crew 0.17%
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