41.   Sharon was angered that the administration did not place Hezbollah and Hamas, two anti-Israeli organizations, on a list of terror organizations whose financial assets would be seized.

42.   Sicignano said Kaplan feared federal authorities would seize his assets.

43.   Some liberal and conservative lawmakers have questioned whether it is constitutional to seize the assets of someone who is accused but not yet convicted of a crime.

44.   That would involve just dismissing the bankruptcy case, leaving it up to the banks to sue in state courts to seize assets securing the loans.

45.   The administration has ordered U.S. banks and pressured allies to seize assets of people and groups on the first list.

46.   That way its assets could be seized for liquidation.

47.   The forfeiture action is a civil process that allows prosecutors to seize assets.

48.   The measure also would allow federal courts to seize the assets of anyone awaiting trial to prevent a suspect from transferring his assets to others.

49.   The Russian tax police have special elite units that seize bank assets and property while clad in bulletproof armor and black helmets and carrying automatic weapons.

50.   The Swiss banks may have profited from those sales, which appear to have been part of a Nazi policy to seize Jewish assets.

v. + asset >>共 456
sell 15.20%
freeze 10.57%
have 5.70%
seize 3.79%
buy 3.36%
transfer 1.88%
liquidate 1.75%
acquire 1.69%
hold 1.59%
protect 1.56%
seize + n. >>共 904
control 8.14%
power 8.14%
opportunity 5.80%
weapon 3.30%
property 2.53%
moment 2.49%
asset 2.04%
document 1.81%
land 1.50%
initiative 1.37%
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