41.   She searched any bag I brought home as though she worked for U.S. Customs and I was arriving from Colombia.

42.   Spectators entering the stadium were funneled through metal detectors, where bags were searched and long lines had formed before the ceremony.

43.   Spectators will have to pass through security checkpoints and have their bags searched.

44.   The bag was searched, then turned over to lost and found.

45.   The limit on checked bags has not changed, but airline officials advise passengers to be prepared to have those bags searched at the check-in counter.

46.   The machine gives screeners a better image of luggage contents and lets airlines search every bag being placed in plane cargo holds.

47.   The rock star was arrested Tuesday on a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct after verbally abusing security employees who wanted to search his bag at Sky Harbor International Airport.

48.   They asked to search his bag, and he agreed.

49.   They took names, checked IDs, ran metal detectors along bodies and searched bags.

50.   Two seatmates, Christopher Drayton and Clifton Brown Jr., gave permission to search the bag they shared, which contained no contraband.

v. + bag >>共 447
pack 12.48%
carry 7.26%
check 4.19%
search 3.56%
open 2.77%
hold 2.28%
take 1.98%
have 1.88%
find 1.78%
use 1.62%
search + n. >>共 595
area 8.95%
house 6.05%
home 6.00%
car 4.97%
vehicle 3.66%
building 3.10%
bag 2.72%
apartment 2.14%
site 1.99%
office 1.87%
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