41.   Under Options, you can change the screen image to a high-contrast display with larger fonts and icons.

42.   We all have our own private list of the most indelible screen images in movie history.

43.   When the reception is good, the screen image is great.

44.   When the screen images faded, what else could the audience do but get to its feet and applaud for all it was worth?

45.   Why would you want a printout of the screen image?

46.   Yes, my ocarina is a screen image in a video game.

47.   Prosecutors intend to portray Simpson as a man whose true self is nothing like the friendly screen image or the hero on the football field.

48.   The screen saver image of the SETI program will show the analysis under way, along with a map of the part of the sky being scanned.

49.   The television screen flashes images of Saddam Hussein visiting a village home, receiving bouquets from schoolgirls and greeting tribal leaders who wave Kalashnikov rifles aloft.

n. + image >>共 618
television 12.65%
satellite 7.68%
brand 3.96%
computer 3.19%
screen 2.90%
medium 2.66%
color 1.83%
radar 1.54%
cartoon 0.95%
movie 0.83%
screen + n. >>共 366
saver 11.23%
time 7.99%
door 6.89%
name 5.79%
image 3.37%
presence 3.17%
persona 1.72%
star 1.65%
reader 1.45%
television 1.31%
每页显示:    共 49