41.   Faizullah Jalal, a professor of political science at Kabul University, said commanders and the party chiefs all admit that they cannot solve their problems through war.

42.   Lebed justified the blitz Thursday, saying the commander of federal army troops in the region, General Vyacheslav Tikhomirov was only carrying out his orders.

43.   Many of the victims are children who were burned on their hands and faces while playing with the fireworks, said fire commander Rodolfo Briceno.

44.   Perry said Marine Corps commander General Charles Krulak wanted to look at the possibility of underaking amphibious exercises on a larger scale than current US exercises in Australia.

45.   One guerrilla sheltering in the deserted, shattered village was wounded by Grad shrapnel in the chest, said local commander Khanzad Batayev.

46.   Taliban Moslem gunners pounded ex-government frontline positions north of Kabul Tuesday, but there was no infantry activity, field commanders said.

v. + commander >>共 250
kill 8.94%
include 6.50%
say 6.23%
quote 2.98%
meet 2.71%
replace 2.44%
name 1.49%
accuse 1.36%
reach 1.36%
arrest 1.22%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
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trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
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commander 0.08%
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