41.   Aliev was dismissive of his predecessor, describing him as a professor who lacked the experience to run a country and deal with the political complexities of leadership.

42.   Bush is hoping Americans will decide it would be a hoot to have a cross between Lucy Ricardo and Gracie Allen running the country.

43.   But gone is the initial speculation that Bashar was just a figurehead keeping the seat warm while the Baath mandarins determined who would run the country.

44.   But he did not run those countries, and his recruits came from among millions of destitute Muslims living in places that the United States considers close allies.

45.   But he quickly set straight a questioner who wondered whether it was really the time for a rich guy to run the country.

46.   But he soon concluded that the largely uneducated membership was corrupt and was running the country even further into the ground, his brother said.

47.   But historically, U.S. society had expected women to know their place, and that place was not in the elected leadership circle that runs the country.

48.   But even though the posts remain vacant, diplomats and other analysts increasingly say the son appears to be running the country and consolidating his authority.

49.   But in an interview conducted three days before the Election Night boondoggle, the Austrian muscleman repeatedly expressed distaste and disillusionment with how the country is being run.

50.   But just watching on the sidelines means tolerating the way the generals are running the country.

v. + country >>共 730
leave 12.40%
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visit 2.40%
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lead 2.31%
divide 1.65%
represent 1.57%
rebuild 1.14%
name 1.09%
run + n. >>共 962
risk 2.96%
ball 2.84%
company 2.69%
business 2.62%
ad 2.52%
country 2.21%
program 2.17%
course 2.07%
gamut 1.52%
race 1.46%
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