41.   One rocket landed on a road, while the other two at nearby open ground.

42.   One man said he was on his way to the hospital to donate blood for his wife, when a rocket landed and he was wounded.

43.   One rocket landed on the Gates of Heaven synagogue as worshipers were at prayer, sending up flying glass that injured a woman sleeping in a home nearby.

44.   Residents along the mountainous border shared by the two countries said airstrikes had been launched but that the rockets landed inside Thailand and caused no injuries.

45.   Rockets landed in western Galilee near the Mediterranean Sea an hour later.

46.   Samir Sulidan, a resident of another northern community told Army radio that rockets landed in his settlement as well.

47.   Security sources in Israel said three Katyusha rockets landed in open fields in the Upper Galilee, but there were no reports of casualties.

48.   Rockets also reportedly landed in the northern suburb of Khair Khana hitting a Taliban ammunition depot.

49.   Rockets landed in several residential districts of the ruined capital, witnesses said.

50.   Rockets landed in the western Galilee near the Mediterranean an hour later.

n. + land >>共 698
plane 18.35%
shell 6.53%
helicopter 5.07%
rocket 3.75%
ball 3.58%
aircraft 2.92%
flight 2.68%
missile 2.47%
foreman 1.77%
bomb 1.70%
rocket + v. >>共 179
hit 13.81%
land 7.42%
be 6.74%
fall 6.19%
explode 5.77%
slam 5.57%
fire 3.23%
strike 3.09%
carry 2.54%
propel 2.54%
每页显示:    共 107