41.   Survivors said Algerian soldiers stopped in the center of town during the massacre, watched, listened, fired a few rounds but generally sat on their rifle butts.

42.   The Pentagon said Thursday the three soldiers had been beaten with rifle butts, kicked and punched as they were captured and that initial interrogation sessions had been harsh.

43.   The physical damage left by the hands, feet and rifle butts of brutal guards added to their suffering.

44.   The soldier then hit her in the head with her rifle butt, according to Rajabeh.

45.   The students entered through the front door the next day while an Army helicopter hovered overhead and soldiers with bayonets drawn and rifle butts swinging held off rioting whites.

46.   Then she showed a bruise on her left leg, where she said a soldier had hit her with a rifle butt.

47.   They are everywhere -- in trucks, on tops of vans, in taxis with rifle butts poking out the windows.

48.   They looked as if they had been made with a rifle butt.

49.   Through an interpreter, Nguyen said he was tortured, starved, beaten with rifle butts and left tied to trees.

50.   Two nurses and an aide were severely beaten with sticks and rifle butts and had to be hospitalized.

n. + butt >>共 30
rifle 36.03%
cigarette 31.44%
head 17.90%
gun 3.49%
pistol 2.62%
pork 1.09%
cigar 0.87%
time 0.87%
arachnid 0.44%
earthling 0.44%
rifle + n. >>共 105
butt 25.70%
fire 23.05%
association 7.63%
grenade 6.23%
bullet 2.18%
company 1.71%
barrel 1.56%
round 1.56%
ammunition 1.09%
arm 1.09%
每页显示:    共 164