41.   The Rich pardon is the subject of a criminal investigation by U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White in New York City.

a. + pardon >>共 97
presidential 38.11%
royal 10.53%
rich 8.63%
full 5.05%
possible 3.37%
controversial 2.74%
general 1.68%
official 1.26%
unconditional 1.26%
broad 0.84%
rich + n. >>共 1204
country 7.36%
people 4.07%
nation 3.72%
man 3.59%
history 2.27%
tradition 1.26%
source 1.21%
kid 1.06%
guy 1.04%
soil 1.01%
pardon 0.75%
每页显示:    共 41