41.   FEATURE-HAITI REFUGEES, Returning refugees find a strange new world.

42.   He also expressed concern about intimidation of Serbs remaining in Vogosca by returning refugees.

43.   He also expressed concern over the intimidation of Serbs remaining in Vogosca by returning refugees, mostly Muslims.

44.   He said he had urged U.N. officials to return the refugees quickly, but warned that armed elements could not be treated as normal refugees.

45.   He said the State Department was confident that Bahamian authorities would carefully consider any claims for protection and ensure that no bona fide refugee is returned to Cuba.

46.   However, the Germans have been returning refugees to Kosovo and Bosnia over the past several months, citing NATO peace keeping forces there as having stopped the war.

47.   In an interview with the newsmagazine Focus, Kumin said Germany should work together with other countries to develop a plan for returning refugees and providing necessary assistance.

48.   In one case, a rocket slammed into one of three apartment buildings in the complex where the refugees are being returned.

49.   In recent months, the Bahamas has tried unsuccessfully to deport other Cuban migrants despite an agreement with Cuba to return all refugees.

50.   Interior Ministry officials said the refugees would be returned to the countries from which they came, Ukraine, Singapore, Pakistan and Thailand.

v. + refugee >>共 479
help 6.31%
take 3.52%
send 3.39%
return 3.39%
repatriate 2.82%
prevent 2.48%
kill 2.30%
accept 2.22%
protect 1.93%
house 1.88%
return + n. >>共 653
call 22.10%
fire 11.62%
message 5.15%
money 3.11%
favor 2.38%
body 1.37%
refugee 1.14%
punt 1.09%
home 0.98%
verdict 0.95%
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