41.   Other older emigrants will probably return to live permanently with relatives they left behind, he said.

42.   She later returned to live in Manhattan.

43.   She later returned to live in New York.

44.   Few Moslems and Croats who were expelled from the RS during the war have been allowed to return to live in their former homes.

45.   Former Bahraini opposition spokesman Mansour al-Jamri said Friday he will return to live permanently in Bahrain later this week after two decades of exile in Britain.

46.   Grbavica, the last district still held by the Serbs, will have come under Moslem-Croat control, returning to live with the rest of the town.

47.   He first played for Wasps last January but returned to live in Dublin this month.

48.   He hopes one day to return to live there with his parents and brother.

49.   The ousted party leader said he was withdrawing from politics and returning to live at his childhood home.

50.   Ottey, who now lives in Monte Carlo, has not ruled returning to live in Rome and changing her nationality.

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