41.   Johnson said the results had important implications for society.

42.   Keating said the by-election result has few implications for the national election.

43.   Made by hand, the result has more character and a lighter texture.

44.   Most of the top executives have left, quarterly results have fallen way short of expectations, and the company has faced legal and regulatory problems.

45.   One admires Grisham for making the effort, but the results have a pasty sentimentality about them.

46.   Otherwise, he said, corporate financial results have no more credibility than bogus golf scores.

47.   Perhaps these divisive results have nothing to do with race per se.

48.   Positive test results have other crucial uses.

49.   Results from sub-groups have a higher margin of error.

50.   Results would have to outweigh style Sunday.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
result 0.08%
result + v. >>共 364
be 63.25%
show 3.39%
come 2.00%
suggest 1.14%
indicate 1.12%
mean 1.12%
leave 1.01%
have 0.95%
reflect 0.87%
expect 0.83%
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