41.   The Israeli navy has also severely restricted the movement of fishing vessels off Gaza, making it very difficult for would-be weapons smugglers to approach the coast.

42.   The only apparent method of containing the disease is the drastic remedy of incinerating entire herds and restricting the movement of people and animals in the countryside.

43.   The players say that will restrict movement.

44.   The recent turbulence on Asian currency markets can only be solved by stable economic policies, not by restricting capital movements, European Union and Asian finance ministers said.

45.   The president vowed to restrict the movements of people and vehicles and impose limited censorship of the press.

46.   The sanctions, which restrict the movements abroad of Sudanese diplomats and government officials, have become largely symbolic.

47.   The shrinking space between seats can trap the legs and restrict movement, triggering blood clots.

48.   The shutdown played havoc with the Friday rush hour and restricted movement around the city over the weekend.

49.   The suit has rigid parts that restrict the movement of the neck, torso, elbows and wrists.

50.   The Taliban have insisted several times that they are restricting his movements and controlling his access to the outside world.

v. + movement >>共 697
restrict 4.23%
track 3.38%
monitor 3.11%
control 2.86%
limit 2.09%
allow 1.98%
have 1.95%
see 1.92%
join 1.48%
detect 1.40%
restrict + n. >>共 885
access 7.84%
freedom 4.20%
use 4.15%
movement 3.59%
flow 2.50%
right 2.22%
number 2.15%
sale 2.15%
import 1.94%
activity 1.94%
每页显示:    共 153