41.   As violence flared, a spectator had an ear sliced off and play was suspended by the referee for five minutes before order was restored.

42.   Although officials of both sides said they were working to restore order, it was unclear late Wednesday night whether the incident had ended.

43.   Also, the U.S. government ought to be working diligently to determine how it can help the new government in Rwanda restore order in a chaotic African nation.

44.   American soldiers rushed to the scene to restore order, firing their weapons to disperse the crowd and searching buildings in the area.

45.   And police do have to be summoned occasionally to restore order.

46.   Angry opposition members then rushed the dais, and the session was suspended until order could be restored.

47.   And when children raise a distracting ruckus in the back seat, it is simpler for the driver to restore order if neither child is directly behind the driver.

48.   Another line of fences stopped them close to the reflecting pool, and the police said order was soon restored.

49.   And Yastrzhembsky said he advocated delegating more responsibility to the Chechen authorities Moscow has appointed to try to restore order in the rebellious republic.

50.   Arthur Rhodes took over and, as has been his wont all season, quickly restored order.

v. + order >>共 409
restore 8.70%
issue 7.30%
place 4.61%
give 4.52%
take 3.92%
follow 3.38%
maintain 2.99%
receive 2.97%
ignore 2.34%
have 2.05%
restore + n. >>共 1112
order 11.21%
confidence 8.91%
power 4.66%
calm 3.56%
peace 3.21%
democracy 3.04%
service 2.50%
stability 1.94%
rule 1.60%
electricity 1.23%
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