41.   Some medical researchers suspect that the heroin is contaminated by the foil, which can disintegrate from the intense heat.

42.   Still, some researchers suspect that the indicator may be a statistical fluke.

43.   The cause of the disease is unknown, though researchers suspect that a combination of about five genes may be responsible.

44.   The frustrating effort to correlate hypnosis with other human traits may shed light on the brain and how it works, some researchers suspect.

45.   The reasons are unknown, but researchers suspect that the prevalance of crack cocaine use in the East, often accompanied by unprotected sex, may be to blame.

46.   The researchers suspect that the carbonyl groups help preserve the fish by tanning the skin, making it unappealing to bacteria.

47.   The researchers suspect the drug is effective because when the surface cannot breathe, the virus cannot release its genetic cargo.

48.   The researchers suspected that this pathway might be responsible for asymmetrical development, at least in the chick.

49.   The researchers suspect that identical genes are found in canola.

50.   The researchers suspected that the rogue proteins might be altered by urea and excreted in urine as particles that would not be recognized as prions.

n. + suspect >>共 455
police 22.27%
official 9.73%
authority 8.59%
investigator 7.41%
scientist 3.46%
doctor 2.59%
researcher 2.25%
expert 2.19%
people 2.04%
analyst 1.48%
researcher + v. >>共 450
say 19.69%
find 8.84%
be 4.75%
believe 2.70%
use 2.12%
have 2.00%
report 1.80%
hope 1.76%
look 1.60%
suggest 1.40%
suspect 0.66%
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