41.   It will be repeated on Friday for all needing.

42.   Like Buchanan, Phillips has a routine that he repeats on each free throw attempt.

43.   Mike Shanahan repeated himself on Sunday night.

44.   Ms. Goldberg repeated on Saturday that the recordings were her idea as a precaution for Tripp against White House denial and reprisal.

45.   Now he wants to repeat on the Internet.

46.   On repeated occasions, Cinquanta was asked whether the French judge, Marie Reine LeGougne, was at the root of the accusations.

47.   One patient even requested the operation be repeated on the other knee.

48.   Practice usually begins on Monday for the Thursday concert, and the program is repeated on Sunday.

49.   Repeat on right side of fabric.

50.   Repeat on the opposite side, then slice and scrape the flesh off the narrow sides.

v. + on >>共 981
speak 4.52%
say 3.26%
appear 2.15%
remain 1.85%
be 1.70%
stand 1.66%
make 1.45%
get 1.45%
do 1.32%
leave 1.26%
repeat 0.07%
repeat + p. >>共 48
in 23.96%
with 19.67%
as 11.47%
on 8.69%
for 5.97%
at 5.79%
to 4.65%
throughout 3.62%
across 1.99%
after 1.93%
每页显示:    共 143