41.   The focus now should be on Magic Johnson and how his leadership can remedy the situation.

42.   The Gore campaign hopes to remedy the situation somewhat Tuesday, in a setting that plays to the strengths and weaknesses of both.

43.   The Maryland Handel Festival is in the forefront of American organizations trying to remedy this situation.

44.   The parliament is planning to remedy that situation soon.

45.   The situation is quickly remedied, however, with a well-lit environment.

46.   The state Supreme Court ruled in July that Hartford students were not receiving an adequate education and that the state had to take steps to remedy the situation.

47.   There are several things the city could do to remedy the situation, Coplan said.

48.   To partly remedy the situation, Vail is providing housing this winter for six snowplow drivers.

49.   To remedy that situation, officials plan several changes.

50.   To remedy the situation, give your disk a tune-up with Disk Defragmenter, a utility program that comes with Windows.

v. + situation >>共 580
discuss 10.56%
monitor 5.53%
handle 4.70%
assess 4.62%
improve 2.89%
review 2.41%
calm 2.08%
defuse 1.84%
describe 1.81%
resolve 1.68%
remedy 1.28%
remedy + n. >>共 82
problem 34.25%
situation 24.86%
deficiency 3.04%
defect 2.49%
discrimination 2.21%
injustice 1.93%
condition 1.66%
damage 1.10%
lack 1.10%
shortcoming 1.10%
每页显示:    共 89