41.   Shriver thinks that President Jimmy Carter would have been treated much better by the news media if journalists had understood the profound influence that religion had on his life.

42.   Since then, Ethical Culturists have been trying to explain themselves to a society that generally believes a religion should have a god.

43.   The announcement of life on Mars prompted me to write a column that said many religions now will have to re-examine their beliefs.

44.   The big religions have long had communication networks in place, but we were very fragmented.

45.   The exhibit, the largest of its kind ever displayed in the United States, reflects on the influence that religion had on Russian living.

46.   The governor, an Episcopalian, has made no secret of his belief that religion has a role in public life.

47.   The major religions also have spiritual guidelines that say war can never be waged against civilians or used to invoke political superiority .

48.   The religion had nothing to do with his decision, he said.

49.   The religion has its documents.

50.   These religions have other similarities, including redemption for the pious.

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religion + v. >>共 287
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