41.   Released along with Shero and Knight were Donna Star Williams, Walter Sanville, Henry Overturf and Christopher Floyd.

42.   Scott Mersereau was released along with Leonard Marshall.

43.   She was released with a prescription for relaxants.

44.   Seventeen of the owls were released with transmitters that are slightly larger than a nickel.

45.   Since just about every CD-ROM title is released with a double-speed drive in mind, you can survive for a few years with a quad.

46.   That figure will be released with its quarterly Securities and Exchange Commission filings.

47.   The British banned it for six years, finally releasing it with an X rating.

48.   The defense position received a boost from the chairman and chief executive officer of Bank One, whose letter to Nebgen was released along with the report.

49.   The cops released him with a good-humored warning and gave him a lift.

50.   The Hawks grew so tired of his being late, missing practices and general complaining, he was released with over a month left in the season.

v. + with >>共 1051
work 7.83%
come 4.23%
begin 2.27%
cover 1.84%
stay 1.56%
struggle 1.44%
sign 1.35%
combine 1.34%
follow 1.19%
move 0.94%
release 0.08%
release + p. >>共 86
on 23.84%
in 20.19%
after 13.55%
to 7.34%
into 4.28%
at 4.26%
without 4.22%
for 2.96%
with 1.69%
by 1.66%
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