41.   Early in the war, Chechen separatist leaders decided that they would release Russian prisoners only to their mothers.

42.   Either way, Rosa said, he would like to work to release political prisoners.

43.   During his brief tenure, he has liberalized press laws, released political prisoners, and brought about the long-awaited referendum on independence in East Timor.

44.   European Union officials have threatened to cancel the meeting unless all prisoners are released.

45.   For more than a week, Palestinian prisoners and their families have staged a hunger strike that they say will continue until the last prisoner is released.

46.   Fujimori insists that his government will never release MRTA prisoners.

47.   Hamas members accuse Israel of refusing to release its prisoners, even as secular Palestinian detainees supporting Arafat are set free.

48.   He also rejected the idea of releasing paramilitary prisoners in exchange for their hidden arsenals.

49.   He answered that a year ago in signing the Hebron Protocol, and kept his promise to release women prisoners and to redeploy in the historic city.

50.   He insists that he has nonetheless demonstrated his good faith by withdrawing Israeli troops from Hebron and by releasing woman prisoners.

v. + prisoner >>共 468
release 15.09%
hold 6.28%
free 6.23%
take 5.98%
kill 3.07%
beat 2.52%
visit 2.16%
treat 2.10%
execute 1.88%
exchange 1.80%
release + n. >>共 848
detail 5.68%
name 5.61%
report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
information 3.62%
figure 3.39%
result 3.17%
hostage 3.06%
prisoner 2.84%
man 1.41%
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