41.   His accomplishments were encyclopedic, which makes his relative obscurity astonishing and remembrances by his many contemporary benefactors all the more significant.

42.   He was plucked from relative obscurity for the U.S. Senate.

43.   Here, Mark Pallansch and Olen Kew have worked in relative obscurity for more than a decade.

44.   His single-mindedness carried Blues Traveler through eight years of relative obscurity.

45.   How Olajuwon can toil in relative obscurity when hype is the way of life in his profession boggles the mind.

46.   His relative obscurity as fuel and energy minister and his lack of a track record with Parliament might help him get confirmed without a fight.

47.   However, in the underpublicized confines of Amon Carter, they often labored in relative obscurity.

48.   If your position is sizable, these costs will quickly melt into relative obscurity.

49.   In a perfect world, he would have gone about his home-run business in relative obscurity.

50.   In relative obscurity.

a. + obscurity >>共 65
relative 57.08%
political 6.85%
virtual 2.74%
total 1.83%
comparative 1.37%
academic 0.91%
dull 0.91%
rural 0.91%
self-imposed 0.91%
ultimate 0.91%
relative + n. >>共 688
calm 7.07%
ease 3.64%
safety 3.45%
newcomer 3.37%
obscurity 3.35%
peace 3.03%
strength 2.28%
term 2.20%
unknown 2.14%
stability 2.03%
每页显示:    共 124