41.   Now, however, the FTC is regaining some balance, a result that antitrust experts attribute to a longstanding friendship between Pitofsky and Ms. Bingaman.

42.   On Thursday, Fed officials continued to issue warning flags about rates, making it difficult for the market to regain its balance.

43.   On the next play, Smith stumbled over the foot of one of his linemen and lost the ball trying to regain his balance.

44.   Ordonez will catch a ball in an awkward position that robs him of his balance, but then he quickly regains his balance and makes the throw.

45.   Put simply, the proprioceptive response helps you immediately adjust your posture and center of gravity to regain your balance after stumbling, all without conscious thought.

46.   Regaining his balance, but stunned and frightened, Hall walked, ran and stumbled through the interior of his sailboat.

47.   Remember how you would see a rock ahead and try to steer away from it but ran into it anyway and fell or struggled to regain your balance?

48.   Secret Service agents helped him relock the brace and regain his balance.

49.   She has found them particularly useful with older adults, particularly in helping them regain balance.

50.   She pauses to regain her balance.

v. + balance >>共 312
lose 9.99%
strike 9.11%
tip 5.87%
maintain 4.70%
find 3.62%
achieve 3.62%
keep 3.41%
restore 3.08%
have 3.08%
regain 3.00%
regain + n. >>共 439
control 14.91%
consciousness 7.80%
lead 4.68%
confidence 4.42%
form 3.52%
composure 3.12%
ground 3.10%
strength 3.08%
power 2.87%
momentum 2.35%
balance 1.51%
每页显示:    共 72