41.   Other reforms include allowing private sector employment agencies a greater role, particularly in finding work for the long-term unemployed.

42.   Other reforms this year include restructuring the government system, education and continuing to sell off some state holdings.

43.   Other needed reforms listed include an end to arbitrary detention and imprisonment, ensuring fair trials and abolishing the death penalty.

44.   Panella, a popular politician whose successful reforms have included legalization of divorce, and the other five were being questioned at police headquarters.

45.   Proposed reforms include adding Germany and Japan as permanent members.

46.   Any constitutional reform should include changes in the election system.

47.   Aside from tax cuts, the fiscal reforms include a series of budget and pension cuts.

48.   But Gingrich said the reforms must include strengthening the hand of the Parliament.

49.   But Kohl said economic reforms must include improvements in conditions faced by foreign businessmen.

50.   De Ocampo said the reforms include improving tax collection through computerization.

n. + include >>共 1161
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reform + v. >>共 439
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