41.   Currently, most health plans refer STD patients to public health clinics.

42.   Current law prohibits doctors from referring patients to outside laboratories, X-ray facilities or other ancillary services in which the doctor has a financial interest.

43.   Critics say the practice violates anti-kickback laws, giving doctors improper incentives to refer patients.

44.   Doctors also lobbied vigorously for relief from federal laws that prohibit them from referring patients to suppliers of medical goods and services in which they have financial interests.

45.   Doctors practicing in those outposts would refer patients and boost hospital revenue.

46.   Do doctors who are opposed to physician-assisted suicide have an obligation to refer patients to other physicians?

47.   Dentists are equipped to handle most cases of bad breath, Price says, or to refer patients to someone who can.

48.   Doctors who said they had never referred patients to pastoral care gave several reasons, including previous bad experiences with clergy and not knowing the right clergy for referrals.

49.   Finally, if he feels a case is outside his competence, he refers the patient to another mental health professional.

50.   Friedlander suggested that dentists who use panoramic X-ray machines should be alert to changes in the neck, so they could refer their patients for treatment.

v. + patient >>共 702
treat 12.67%
help 3.82%
see 2.82%
refer 2.57%
kill 1.80%
protect 1.44%
send 1.36%
take 1.31%
examine 1.25%
admit 1.23%
refer + n. >>共 238
question 21.99%
case 12.33%
matter 8.27%
call 7.48%
patient 6.19%
inquiry 4.67%
issue 2.12%
reporter 1.66%
query 1.62%
complaint 1.39%
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