41.   Sandy Robertson was unavailable for comment, and Callinan referred inquiries to a spokesman at BofA, which is his current employer.

42.   Schoenfeld referred inquiries about his interest in the play to the Public Theater.

43.   Schumer referred inquiries about his political plans to Hank Morris, his political consultant.

44.   Ross said he was not authorized to comment and referred inquiries to BDO Stoy Hayward, a British accounting firm.

45.   She referred all inquiries to a court spokesperson in Boston.

46.   She referred inquiries to BP Amoco.

47.   She referred inquiries to the police.

48.   Sorrell, reached Wednesday in London, declined to comment, referring inquiries to Ms. Lazarus.

49.   Still others referred inquiries to the Art Dealers Association of America, which declined to comment.

50.   Spokeswomen for Grey and Wells Rich in New York referred inquiries to BDDP.

v. + inquiry >>共 311
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conduct 6.68%
order 5.93%
begin 4.06%
refer 3.57%
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hold 2.72%
demand 1.66%
refer + n. >>共 238
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matter 8.27%
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