41.   U.S. bonds fell as congressional Republican leaders and President Clinton appeared to make no progress toward drafting a federal deficit reduction plan.

42.   Wealth, for everyone but Steve Forbes, is the best age reduction plan.

43.   Yet McCurdy broke with Clinton on a number of economic and social issues, such as the final deficit reduction plan and gays in the military.

44.   A landmark deficit reduction plan was on the table.

45.   Both the DOT and the action council must report to the General Assembly about the traffic reduction plan by the end of the month.

46.   But industrialized nations said the poorer countries must begin to help themselves by eliminating corruption, putting poverty reduction plans into place and ensuring basic human rights.

47.   Fire trucks and water tankers will be sent to areas hardest hit by the water reduction plan, authorities said.

48.   Foreign donors welcome Vietnamese poverty reduction plan.

49.   It said the money will be available when some more affluent governments are ready to join in a reduction plan.

50.   It said the money will be available when some of the more affluent governments are ready to join in a reduction plan.

n. + plan >>共 691
peace 10.16%
health 5.86%
business 2.76%
government 2.38%
pension 2.21%
retirement 2.19%
expansion 2.13%
budget 1.91%
action 1.82%
tax 1.71%
reduction 0.26%
reduction + n. >>共 133
treaty 14.69%
target 12.19%
plan 10.18%
program 7.01%
agreement 3.84%
talk 2.50%
surgery 2.34%
effort 2.17%
goal 2.17%
package 2.00%
每页显示:    共 61