41.   Financials also suffered, reflecting a recent string of downgrades and warnings.

42.   His agency issued its official winter forecast, noting that the recent string of warm winters may be at an end.

43.   In the most aggressive of a recent string of interventions, Japan sold yen for dollars and euros in Asian, European and U.S. currency markets Thursday.

44.   Many scientists believe that the recent string of warm years are the result of global warming caused by the release of carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere.

45.   New violence and an anti-Russian demonstration Thursday added to a recent string of confrontations between ethnic Albanians and the foreign forces that liberated them.

46.   Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto expressed amazement at the recent string of attacks.

47.   Reports that rebellious soldiers were involved in a recent string of armed carjackings along a major highway were also incorrect, he said.

48.   Secessionist Kosovo Albanian rebels vowed Tuesday to fight on in Kosovo province despite a recent string of losses against Serb government forces.

49.   St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce members say the closing would deal another blow to the economy which has been devastated by a recent string of hurricanes.

50.   The Atlantic City game will be the latest in a recent string of exhibitions involving locked out players.

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