41.   In a recent speech to the New York Stock Exchange, Dini said it is time for investors to return.

42.   In a recent speech, Preval evoked the specter of their return to rally support for his government and its unpopular policies.

43.   In a recent speech, Trimble reiterated that the union with Britain was not up for negotiation and warned that Dublin should keep its hands off Northern Ireland.

44.   In a recent speech to an Omaha Rotary Club, Stenberg linked himself to Hagel and Bush.

45.   In a recent speech to college students, Mubarak made vague promises of change.

46.   In a recent speech to the National Governors Association, Clinton acknowledged some problems.

47.   In a recent speech, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric Shinseki warned that unless the Army changes and changes fast, it risks being sidelined altogether.

48.   In a recent speech, FCC Chairman Reed Hundt signaled that he would approve the merger.

49.   In a recent speech, Mrs. Bush quoted a college student who wrote to her.

50.   In a recent speech, Taylor cited as one example telecommunications legislation mandating that the poor have access to the Internet and other forms of communication.

a. + speech >>共 1037
televised 3.97%
political 3.84%
recent 2.99%
public 2.76%
major 2.53%
first 2.42%
brief 2.28%
union 2.07%
opening 2.01%
inaugural 2.01%
recent + n. >>共 673
year 20.30%
week 9.12%
month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
visit 0.76%
speech 0.18%
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