41.   With near-impunity, Bosnian Serb rebels shelled a U.N.-protected safe area for a fourth straight day Monday.

42.   In Kigali meanwhile, Tutsi rebels shelled Hutu government positions, preventing the evacuation of wounded people waiting in trucks to be transported out of the city.

43.   Although the crash Friday occurred shortly after rebels shelled the Palaly military base, officials ruled out the attack as the reason for the crash.

44.   Chief Military spokesman Sarath Munasinghe said the Pooneryn camp had come under small arms fire overnight Saturday while the rebels shelled the nearby Elephant Pass camp.

45.   Fieldworkers in the region said meanwhile that Banyamulenge rebels had shelled a Zairean military base at Rumangabo north of Goma.

46.   Ugandan forces entered Zaire last Thursday, after the ADF rebels shelled Uganda from Kasindi on the Zairean side of the border.

47.   Tutsi rebels shelled Hutu government positions in the Rwandan capital Sunday preventing the evacuation of wounded people waiting in trucks to be transported out of the city.

48.   Military officials further disclosed that a second Russian military helicopter had been shelled by rebels in southern Chechnya on Monday and forced down for an emergency landing.

49.   Rebels meanwhile shelled government positions in Kigali.

n. + shell >>共 81
force 26.33%
tank 13.29%
artillery 12.15%
troop 10.51%
rebel 6.20%
army 4.56%
gunner 2.78%
guerrilla 2.03%
gunboat 1.90%
gun 1.65%
rebel + v. >>共 661
say 5.63%
be 5.41%
attack 3.57%
fight 2.64%
kill 2.17%
take 2.14%
have 1.87%
hold 1.70%
want 1.61%
seize 1.61%
shell 0.30%
每页显示:    共 49