41.   A separatist spokesman told Interfax that Russian aircraft and artillery have been shelling rebel positions in villages in the southern, eastern and southwestern regions of Chechnya.

42.   Air force helicopter gunships strafed Tamil Tiger rebel positions in northern Sri Lanka after the guerrillas lobbed mortar shells at government troops, military officials said Saturday.

43.   After the explosion, the Russian troops were hit by a squall of gunfire from nearby rebel positions, he said.

44.   After the army retaliated Wednesday by firing on rebel positions, the Hutus were reported to be withdrawing.

45.   Air Force jets bombed Tamil rebel positions Wednesday, and the navy sank a rebel boat after a gun battle off the eastern coast.

46.   Allied warplanes from Angola and Zimbabwe bombed rebel positions, Information Minister Didier Mumengi said.

47.   Also Sunday, Bosnian Serbs shelled the U.N.-controlled Tuzla airport and NATO retaliated swiftly with airstrikes, destroying rebel positions near the northeastern city.

48.   And it has a two-mile runway which for two years has served government warplanes bombing rebel positions to the north.

49.   An air force helicopter strafing rebel positions was slightly damaged by rebel small arms fire and made an emergency landing at Palali base, said Munasinghe.

50.   And they continue to stage artillery and jet attacks on suspected rebel positions.

n. + position >>共 993
rebel 6.51%
pole 5.31%
government 4.95%
army 3.82%
leadership 3.71%
guerrilla 3.60%
field 2.58%
market 2.18%
management 2.15%
dollar 1.80%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
每页显示:    共 410