41.   Reasonable people in both parties know that her rationale for inaction has been erased by the news disclosures of the last several days.

42.   Reasonable people live in an ordered society.

43.   Reasonable people will make mistakes, but such cynicism exacts a price.

44.   Reasonable people would have patted him on the head and let him get on with his childhood.

45.   Reasonable people are shaking their heads at the idea that the Democratic nomination for mayor of New York should come down to a race between Ms. Messinger and Sharpton.

46.   Reasonable people can differ on the wisdom of flag-burning laws.

47.   Reasonable people can disagree on some fights but this was not one of those fights.

48.   Reasonable people differ.

49.   Reasonable people may yet step in to thwart the return of Peter, Keith and Larry Mann to their mother.

50.   Reasonable people also recognize that there are some activities in which the disabled, by definition, will never be able fully to take part.

a. + people >>共 764
young 11.76%
american 3.10%
local 2.46%
poor 2.44%
older 2.30%
ordinary 2.18%
elderly 2.02%
homeless 1.50%
black 1.46%
innocent 1.28%
reasonable 0.19%
reasonable + n. >>共 642
price 8.24%
doubt 7.92%
people 2.52%
person 2.35%
chance 2.08%
cost 2.02%
amount 1.67%
rate 1.58%
level 1.58%
expectation 1.58%
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