41.   Partisanship has also reared its head.

42.   Perhaps this is yet another case of Hollywood racism rearing its head.

43.   Resonance rears its head frequently in business settings.

44.   So it was not welcome news when the Whitewater affair reared its head again.

45.   Some five hours into the show at Madison Square Garden on Saturday night, professionalism finally reared its head.

46.   So never mind the naysayers who know the truth a year before it rears its head.

47.   The artificial-turf syndrome reared its head again when Morris, the former College World Series hero for Louisiana State, batted.

48.   The dancing turns less abstract as sexual instinct, just plain sex, rears its head.

49.   The economic malaise engulfing Southeast Asia and rearing its head in Latin America also gave the central bank incentive to leave rates alone.

50.   The matter reared its head in October, when The Washington Post reported that Beinart killed a piece on Bill Bradley by Salon.com Washington correspondent Jake Tapper.

v. + head >>共 477
shake 25.44%
turn 4.17%
bow 3.51%
scratch 2.67%
hit 2.21%
nod 2.16%
shave 2.16%
cover 2.03%
hang 1.51%
keep 1.48%
rear 0.62%
rear + n. >>共 83
head 25.58%
child 24.58%
family 3.99%
young 3.65%
son 3.32%
kid 2.33%
chick 1.99%
offspring 1.66%
daughter 1.66%
fish 1.33%
每页显示:    共 77