41.   Most were challenges to school reading lists, library books and erotic art exhibitions that posed no threat to arts financing.

42.   Ms. Reisen said the new standards would probably not require extensive changes in reading lists.

43.   Most California districts, and the state Department of Education, recommend reading lists that include authors of many backgrounds.

44.   Ms. Campbell keeps her own leisure reading list, and it almost always involves indulging in a hard-back book.

45.   Newt Gingrich included it on his reading list.

46.   On Thursday night, during the forum in Manchester, N.H., Bush was asked to rattle off a reading list.

47.   One wonders in fact how frequently he appears on college reading lists these days.

48.   One woman, before marrying her second husband, gave him a reading list of a novel each of Proust, Joyce and Henry James.

49.   Owners of small bookstores offer recommendations about the latest novel or biography, and authors share their reading lists.

50.   Participants are assigned a pre-trip reading list and are asked to create a scrapbook during the trip.

a. + list >>共 1022
disabled 18.67%
injured 12.27%
long 10.02%
wine 2.62%
growing 2.59%
shopping 2.40%
complete 1.66%
new 1.42%
wanted 1.20%
full 1.15%
reading 0.92%
reading + n. >>共 369
material 7.28%
list 4.91%
glass 4.86%
program 4.51%
skill 4.34%
room 3.58%
book 3.41%
test 2.89%
score 2.43%
habit 1.91%
每页显示:    共 85